


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5.30PM; Sat: 10am - 6pm; Sun: closed

At the Ninth Executive Committee of WFAS

In November 2018 Robin and I attended the Ninth Executive Committee of the WFAS.

Before meeting we met Paddy at the venue; she introduced to us some presenters from USA, Canada and elsewhere.

Salon Louis Lumiere, B1 of Hotel Forest Hill Paris la Villette, Paris, France.

James  (USA), Robin Ker, Richard Li (Australia), Thomas Lin

The president of Pro Liu Baoyan and Thomas Lin

The New Zealand team for Robin, Paddy, Suzy, Thomas, Heather Bruce.

Our conference in Salon Louis Lumiere, B1 of Hotel Forest Hill Paris la Villette, Paris, France

That was what we are EC of WFAS