


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5.30PM; Sat: 10am - 6pm; Sun: closed

All health services should be delivered with dignity, care, skill and respect in accordance with the Health and Disability Commissioner(HDC) Code of Health and Disability services consumers’ rights. If at any stage you feel that these rights have not been respected and you would like to discuss this, there are a range of options available to you.

Discuss with Practitioner 

If comfortable doing so, you may take it up directly with the practitioner who provided the service. Client feedback is an important part of self- improvement. The provider may be unaware of your issue and may welcome an opportunity to correct and improve their service.

Speak with Acupuncture NZ 

Perhaps you are unsure of the seriousness of your issue? The Acupuncture NZ (AcNZ) office can assist you. Please contact the Office. 

Write a formal complaint to Acupuncture NZ

As a health professional body AcNZ has a process for investigating complaints against its members.  A formal complaint would need to be in writing- via a letter or email.

Contact Health and Disability commissioner(HDC)

You can directly contact the office of the Health and Disability commissioner(HDC)

Any written complaint is likely to include:

  • The names of all the people involved, including any witnesses,The date(s) that the incident(s) occurred;
  • The place(s) where the incident(s) occurred;
  • A description of what happened including the factors that led you to complain;
  • Whether you let the practitioner know of your complaint. If so, his/her response;
  • Permission for release of your clinical notes to assist the inquiry
  • Any additional information that will assist an investigation.

On lodging a formal complaint with AcNZ, you will be informed of the assessment process, and when you can expect to be updated on its progress.